Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Final: Reflective Post

Final: Reflective Post

After the completion of this course, “Intro to Tech for Educators”, I felt an overwhelming sense of “accomplishment.”  Wow, I did it!

Upon entering this course, I was only equipped with the basic computer skills:  Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint.  At the completion of this course, I never imagined I would have a healthier understanding of the various innovating technology resources that could be used in the classroom.  Professor Marie Coleman, I thank you for the in-depth and intriguing course that you provided us students. 

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One of my fondest memories when we started this course was when you had each individual student write what they personally believed an effective teacher was and what we all hoped to achieve from taking this course.  We then shared our thoughts and personal profiles with a partner we were paired up with.  What I found quite intriguing was when it came down to sharing our information, our partners shared ours and we shared theirs.  I felt that this learning tool was a way for us to learn more about each other, without worrying about what we were going to say about ourselves.  Each lesson you demonstrated allowed “us” students to be educated by all the different learning styles a teacher has to offer.  Your classroom was, what I believed, to be a creative learning environment.  With the use of various tools, such as: Navigation Devices, QR Codes, Internet Surveys, and Web Based activities, our class was certainly instructive through the use of technology.  The following assignments: Collaborative Lesson Plan, Teacher Web Page, Web-quest, and our Wiki pages were quite challenging to accomplish, but at the same time brought a unique perspective on the upcoming curriculum that our twenty-first century learners will encounter.

My constructive feedback regarding this course would be: As the course began, I found the process of embedding technology pieces quite frustrating.  My suggestion to you would be to possibly consider the various types of pc’s that all your students may have access to. I found that not all embedded technology tools were compatible to link/transfer into our assignments where they could be viewed.

As I reflect back on this course, I am appreciative of all the tools I have acquired that I really never knew existed in this world of high tech. With your knowledge and insight, I now feel confident to explore and create innovating lesson that will inspire my students. 

This video displays how educators and inspirational professors, like you, help make the difference within the classroom and with each student!-Thank You!

 It's Teachers Day Today, Thank Them for What YOU are Today! (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2014, from
Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Overview of learning styles. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2014, from