Saturday, August 30, 2014

Digital Badge #A-Chapter 1

Upon reflecting on Chapter-One, I was intrigued to discover how technology is the driving force to the 21st century learner. The first article I found quite eye opening was "The Generation of Technology Users". In this passage, it was mentioned that igeneration users born after 1990 were never exposed to a world without high tech gadgets. For example, cell phones, text messaging, and tablets had been in existence for most or all of their young lives. As a mother of two young children in the collier county school system, even my four year old is encouraged to explore while using his classroom computers/tablets. Since he was introduced to this method of fun learning, he has grasped the use of the tools needed to access his learning activities. As an inspiring classroom teacher, I would hope to reach each type of learner using the various individualized learning programs offered within my school system. All teachers will have students with learning disabilities and new english language learners on their student rosters. Therefore, these struggling learners can be mainstreamed in regular education classes while working at their own pace.

The second article, "You Must-Have Technologies for Teaching", is almost parallel to what we depend on throughout our daily lives. As a Collier County District employee, there was some scrutiny when ours schools were given a directive from the Superintendent to become a BYOD county. A lot of parents became upset when the expectations were given to send their children to school with an expensive device. They felt that it could either become lost, damaged or possibly stolen. I personally can see their point about sending a device to school or empathy for those families that may not be able to afford a device for their child/children. As an inspiring teacher, I look forward to implementing technology throughout my lessons to reach the various learning styles and ability levels. For example, I look forward to engaging my students through multimedia technologies such as digital cameras, podcasts and interactive whiteboards where students are working together in small groups and sharing their projects with the entire class.

The third article, "Strategies for Learning New Technologies", is a way for new and less experienced teachers to keep up with the rapidly growing field of education through technology. I find this to be important to my district, because they are providing employees with updated trainings to become better equipped with the latest technology used in what we know as the "digital" world. My own experiences with technology as a young kid in the eighties, was the simple use of an electric typewriter in a typing class in Elementary/Middle school. Children were expected to learn how to type while familiarizing themselves with the "home" keys. Once I become a classroom teacher, I will focus my attention on inspiring curiosity while expanding learning as students are having a memorable learning experience.

In conclusion, after reflecting on chapter one I realize that I have much to learn regarding new methods to incorporate technology in the classroom to engage my students. I look forward to continual professional development seminars to enhance the experiences for the twenty-first learners who will be siting in my classroom.


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

You Tube-Becoming a 21st century teacher

1 comment:

  1. You did it - and even an embedded video, too! Good for you. :) I also like that you used your avatar for your profile - nice going.

    Your comment about BYOD in CCPS elementary schools and parent concerns are certainly legitimate. The nice thing about students using their own devices is that they tend to have them anyway in secondary schools, but I do think that elementary population is different. However, it also may be how it was 'rolled out' as BYOD is not a requirement - instead, it is an option. It also is, however, a cheaper way for the district to address technology needs. Are you in a phase III school that is just being introduced this fall or one of the earlier phase schools (just realized I don't think I know what school you are working at!?!). At any rate, I think parent concerns certainly have some legitimacy and I hope that the school/district was able to address those needs.

    Your APA textbook resource looks good. For future, please embed your video within the content of your writing so there is a connection between them and then in the resources you can add the video resource information in APA style.

    Hopefully, you are pleased with your blog accomplishment - more posts to come and you'll be an expert. :)
