Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Digital Badge #C-Chapter 3

After reading Chapter 3, the first section I discovered to be intriguing was “Teacher-Centered and Student-Centered Approaches”.   The two learning approaches that describes ones teaching are Teacher-Centered and Student-Centered.  Teacher-Centered, also know as transmission teaching, is more of a traditional form of delivering instruction.  According to table 3.1 on page 51, teacher-centered approaches tend to be whole group instruction, children working independently at their desk, and assessments are based on only worksheets, quizzes and, tests.  As for Student-Centered approach, students are exposed to a more natural process where the content is integrated into real-world problem solving tasks and activities.  For example, students are working in whole-groups, small-groups, and one-on-one instruction is taking place.  The classrooms I have observed have gravitated towards more of a “student-Centered”, approach.  Students are actively learning while working in small cooperative groups.  Also, students are engaged when they are able to share their experiences while developing group projects.  I believe that when I become a classroom teacher, my students will learn while using their imagination/creativity to explore new ways of learning.   

Photo credited to LizMarie_AK on Flickr

This classroom is an example of a classroom designed for cooperative learning groups. Students are able to share ideas and help one another…

The second section I found interesting was, “Online Problem-Solving Environments”.  After reading this section, I discovered that an educational environment includes educational games and interactive simulations. This type of environment can help students become problem solvers and critical thinkers.  There are three primary characteristics of solving problems in an online learning environment. First, students can use classroom computers to do what they cannot easily do on paper.  Second, students are able to investigate real-life scenarios that may interest them to conduct further research. Third, students integrate their use of technology in order to view academic content online.  As a classroom teacher, I will utilize technology for my emerging readers.  For examples, my new readers will enjoy reading with the use of a simulated book as it turns the pages, highlights the words as it is being read, and the story pictures can move across the screen. I believe that this type of resource can keep them engaged while it builds their self-motivation. 

This program is being used in our schools for Collier County.  Parents and students can login at school or a home, to access their account. I believe that this is a wonderful tool to use, to incorporate technology in the classroom.

The third section I found to be a creative way for teaching is “ Creative Ideas through Social Media”.  Having creative ideas is another way to reach students through social media, which is a form of communication between a teacher and their students.  It was also mentioned that laptops/tablets are being used in the classroom to assist students with their daily class assignments. (i.e.: note taking, QR readers, and blogs)  I remember when I was a kid we would write notes and pass them in class, now the twenty first century learner are sending text messages to each other. As a classroom teacher, I hope to develop new ideas in which I can incorporate innovative 21st century learning activities with my students.  My classroom will be a creative environment where students will use technology to further their learning experiences to prepare them for the future.  I found a very interesting blog for 
 ways for a classroom teacher to incorporate technology, in their classroom. I found this resource to be insightful.  


"BookFlix." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2014. <http://www.youtube.com/>.
Maloy, Robert W.. Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2011. Print.

MLA formatting by BibMe.org.

1 comment:

  1. Love the hyperlink to the uses of social media in the classroom - many of those ideas I'd not considered and thinking I might incorporate in my future lessons. :) The tough part is getting K-12 administration to acknowledge the value of connecting lessons through twitter and Facebook, etc as they are currently blocked due to fear of the negative potential of such websites. :( Based on your previous sharing, I definitely see you in the student-centered classroom with many opportunities for creativity and innovation. Keep those thoughts connecting with the experiences that you have in observation and your own classes.
