Monday, October 13, 2014

Digital Badge # H-Chapter 9

Digital Badge #H-Chapter 9

After reviewing chapter 9, its main focus was presenting and sharing information through various multimedia and digital technologies.  Classroom teachers are now able to use a presentation station, which include: Digital Cameras, Document Cameras, and Podcasts.  These offer many new teaching strategies that can be implemented in creative lesson plans.  These digital tools and resources can help promote an enhanced learning environment.

This website would be a helpful resource, when developing multimedia within lesson plans.

The first section I discovered to be intriguing was, “Digital Projectors and Document Cameras”.  Most classrooms are equipped with these two technologies.  The purpose of the digital cameras is to display material from a computer, document camera, or even a mimio interactive board onto a large screen or white board.  When these images are displayed for students, it allows for the teacher to have an in-class discussion. Projectors allow for students and teachers to interact with the help of a visual tool.  A document camera allows pictures, images, graphs, and text to be viewed on the board.  Most document cameras are equipped with a “freeze” function.  This allows for the image to freeze on the board and the document can be moved from the camera.  As an inspiring teacher, I will certainly use these technology tools.  My students will get to share their own work with their peers while using the document camera.  Another example to incorporate this into my classroom is to have the opportunity to display finished work, so students can model and complete the assignment.  A projector can enhance my classroom in various ways.  Students will be actively engaged while movies, PowerPoint’s, and visual images are projected on the board. 

"These images allow you to visualize what the projector and document camera look like in the classroom".

Photo Credited to: comedy_nose-Flickr
Photo Credited to: AV-1- Flickr

The second section I found resourceful, was “Podcast and Vodcast as Tools for Teaching”.  It was mentioned in this section, that Podcast are an audio recording of either a teacher’s lesson or a group discussion that be listened to via the internet.  A Vodcast is the same as Podcast, however it includes a video.  I believe this technology tool could benefit my students because they could access this info, when needed. Having these tools available can generate learning opportunities through listening and viewing discussions.  The delivery of the learning content will be more personal as it is being delivered to my students.  The Podcast and Vodcast will give a sense of motivation, while students continue to build a form of collaboration and community.  Those students, who are identified with learning disabilities, will benefit from these tools too.  This would give the classroom teacher the opportunity to reach those students, giving them access to listen and watch classroom content numerous times. 

            "This video displays how Podcast are being used in the classroom".

The third section I discovered to be helpful was, “Strategies for Using Videos with Students”.  After reading this section, it was stated that there are four strategies when your student are watching a video in the classroom.  These strategies are: pause and rewind videos often, ask students to write responses, integrate videos into lessons, and turn off the sound or picture.  These strategies help make these videos a teachable learning experience.  I certainly love the idea that students can view videos, as long as these strategies are used.  Students will typically retain more information, and will have a better understanding of new material that is being introduced.

Photo Credited to: Brenda Anderson-Flickr

When teachers are properly trained and have a positive attitude towards new technology, it will help support collaboration, learning, and productivity within the classroom.  Students will learn to work together through unique digital/tool resources.   


Photos. (n.d.). Flickr. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from
Podcast in the Classroom. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved October 14, 2014, from
Preparing ELLs to be 21st-Century Learners | ELL Topics from A-Z | Colorín Colorado. (n.d.). Colorín Colorado. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from

Resources. (n.d.). Resources. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. Great post - we are so fortunate in CCPS to have (and for many years have had!) access to so much technology hardware and school-wide internet access. It seems the norm, but some school districts across the nation are without it. Unfortunately, not all use it to capacity or with those great tips you uncovered.

    Students love making podcasts/vodcasts too! Imagine their creativity unleashed and their understanding of specific content if they could tell the story in a podcast. Hope you take the opportunity to use in the future.
